Urban Muse


It does not matter whether you are a farmer, a geneticist, or whatever you do with your time: you will almost certainly be affected in important, unexpected ways after time spent in Paris.  

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Bird on Line

Broken Light Collective

Photos taken by contributor The Happy Mango, a 28-year-old woman from Copenhagen. She was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder two years ago, which has meant a lot of soul searching, practice in self awareness and endless medicine adjustments – all of which made her get even worse before she got better. But the past couple of months she has actually begun to take pleasure in the things she used to again, one of them being photography. So she started her blog “The Happy Mango,” to give her a purpose and a gentle push to do more of the things that make her feel better, and also share the good parts, because she believes that they are a big part of the healing process.

About these photos: «So I am on vacation in Gdansk, Poland and yesterday I ran out of medication. I spent 2 hours running all over the city trying to get…

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I am What I Tweet: The Psychology of Modern Day Discourse


In the aftermath of the George Zimmerman verdict there has been much outrage and jubilation, much anger and happiness, much screaming and shouting, both through voice and through words. In a column in yesterday’s Politico, television host Joe Scarborough notes with great dismay the “hyperbolic” discussions post-Zimmerman acquittal. I am not here to add to the vitriol on either side. I am here to talk about the middle. Where has it been and why has it gone the way of the dodo bird?


In the last few elections there has been much talk about the middle class, the voters in the middle often referred to as independent voters, the Middle East, Middle Kingdoms and so on. But if you ask me, the middle is becoming akin to the average waist size of a teenage model: non-existent. And we have social media to blame for that. Don’t get me wrong…

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Community Pool

The Daily Post

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment . . .

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